The expected returning characters expectedly return, some of whom play crucial and very personality specific parts in the story’s progression while others are there to tick a smaller box that could have been achieved with any NPC (which is fine, it’s lovely to see them again). I’ll skimp on deeper details regarding where our hero's heading and why, because the last thing anyone reading this right now needs is story spoilers, however trivial they are in the grand scheme of this thing - fellow fans, we’ve waited long enough, right? But how Return sets Guybrush on his way is deliciously twisted, and the game isn’t afraid to subvert the ‘rules’ of past series entries across its five chapters. Newcomers to all things Monkey Island might not have the same immediate connection to these virtual climes, but this is a series that’s always gone strong on a sense of place whatever the art style in play, and Return immediately puts the player where it wants them: in search of the island’s pirate leaders, and in turn off on one more great adventure. There have been some changes since we were last on Mêlée, a few new proprietors taking up residence in town and the requirement to keep a rubber chicken down the back of your breeches long forgotten, but the layout remains much the same and the nostalgic sights and soothing sounds of the place will be a delight for returning visitors. The setting for this long-awaited comeback - the previous Monkey Island game, the Telltale-developed Tales of Monkey Island, released in 2009 - is naturally Deep in the Caribbean, the gently paced action commencing on the familiar cobbled streets and winding woodland paths of Mêlée Island before opening up to other over-yonder-horizon locations.